
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lilla Lund, Berg Lilly PC attorney, caught harassing plaintiff in suit she is defending, and lying on court documents with intent to influence the courts

 see the youtube video ... and the description  To be clear there has been a police report and call to the police about Lund's behavior. this woman is wretched and evil. there is a reason she and her firm only have a few reviews online. She was and is harassing a victim of sexual assault , who was sexually assaulted by a bozeman police officer. in the case she represents the city of bozeman. her and her paralegal boy toy zach taunted this person that they would release private confidential information to the world. and kept emailing and taunting this victim of sexual assault even after they were sent a cease and desist and asked multiple times to stop. this victim has a case agains the city. lilla will do anything to try to stop. inclue lie and harass. the city of bozeman is a mess